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In the past, we often heard phrases like “You can do it if you try” or “Anyone can do it if they work hard” in the media. However, it seems we don’t hear them as much lately. Is it just me?

As words to encourage oneself, they are wonderful, but when used towards others, they can feel a bit unrealistic. Especially recently, it seems that these words are less frequently directed at others. This may be because people have come to recognize the negative effects of unnecessary pressure on the brain and the growing respect for individuality.


My Experience with “You Can Do It if You Try!”

When I was young, I often heard this not only from my parents but also from my bosses in the early 90s. There were many times when I thought to myself, “I’m doing it without being told!”

If you take the phrase “Anyone can do it if they work hard” literally, it implies that those who couldn’t do it didn’t work hard enough. Applying this to children, the phrase “a child who can do it if they try” can also mean “a child who can’t do it because they aren’t trying,” which sounds like a baseless accusation.

The Importance of Acknowledging Effort

When it comes to studying, my son often faces the “can’t do it” side of things. However, he makes every effort he can. How would he feel if I criticized him for not being able to do something? Instead, I believe that praising him for the effort he puts in leads to his smile and connects to his next motivation.

Even when he fails repeatedly, my son doesn’t give up and continues to try. I focus on his determination and emphasize his efforts rather than just the outcomes.

A Parent’s Mindset

As a parent, it’s tempting to comment when grades are below average. But I hold back and try to praise him for the things he managed to do, no matter how few they are. I leave his future to him, believing that success is not determined by grades alone but also by talent, effort, aptitude, and luck.

I believe my son’s independence will come sooner than it seems. I’m not sure how many more years we will live together, but I hope he will find his own path while carefully considering his position each year. Therefore, I need to be careful not to undermine his feelings as he works hard in various areas.

Whether it’s 3 years, 4 years, or 10 years, I look forward to his growth and am excited to see what the future holds for him.

