
二月の勝者 ー絶対合格の教室ー(21)










“The Winner of February: The Classroom of Absolute Success (21)”

A manga that I started reading out of curiosity a long time ago has finally concluded.

I began reading this manga when my second-year middle school son was still undiagnosed with dyslexia. At that time, my son lived a mild “yankee” lifestyle in the community, and I thought there was no way he would take the entrance exam for middle school. As expected, we’ve come this far with a “What’s a middle school entrance exam?” mindset.

As I mentioned yesterday, my son has always had many friends since elementary school. Some of his close friends went to prestigious schools known as the “御三家,” while others went to private middle schools. Some children, who I thought would definitely go to private or metropolitan schools, ended up going to the same middle school as my son, which brought mixed feelings during the elementary school graduation.

I started reading this manga because I had no knowledge or interest in middle school entrance exams and was curious when my son was in elementary school.

I remember that most mangas and TV dramas themed around exams focused on university entrance exams. During my school days, I didn’t like these because I felt they mocked hardworking students. Despite having no experience or intentions for my son, I found myself picking up a manga about middle school entrance exams, often questioning myself, “What’s going on with you? Are you trying to impose your wishes on your child?”

There were worries about changes in the exam process due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but in the end, the storylines connected well, and I think it turned out great.

Six years later, the episode about pursuing what you want to do without going to university was touching.

I’m not one to impose my educational path on my children.

